Guys, I have been LOVING Whole 30. It's amazing the amount of energy I have from eating whole, fresh foods. I've done so much this week! Here are some snap shots of my meals this week:
Spinach Frittata, Tuna Salad, Spaghetti Squash and Meat Sauce
Leftover spinach frittata, Tuna Salad stuffed red bell peppers with ranch dressing, grilled chicken, potatoes, cabbage slaw
Mexican Tuna "Tacos" with leftover slaw, Roasted sweet potato topped with pulled pork carnitas and avocado mayo, bunless hamburger topped with mushrooms, onions on a bed of spinach with roasted red pepper mayo
Mexican tuna on romaine, "fried" plantains with pulled pork topped with a "fried" egg, oven roasted salmon with red pepper sauce sauteed vegetables
And these potatoes??? Guys. Guys. GUYS!!! DELICIOUS. All the ingredients were whole, fresh food made by me, including all the sauces and mayos. I would list out all the recipes, but it's a lot. If you would like one, just let me know!
I am definitely doing Twitter in the classroom this year!! Last night I listened in on a Twitter Chat with Greg and Kayla and I am so psyched to get my kiddos tweeting! Got lots of ideas on how to intro and support parents, too.
Tweet Deck!
I did a lot on the computer this week. I've been working on learning Adobe Illustrator so that I can branch out and make my own clipart. I've started with just a few simple things:
from drawing to digital!
Okay, so I'm not the BEST drawer, but I think it came out so cute!! I'm a FAR WAYS AWAY from making anything professional, but it is nice to know that I can create something if I can't find it anywhere.
Did you know that there are only 63 days until College Football????? Geaux Tigers!!
Our move brought us literally to the edge of the LSU Campus. I can see Tiger Stadium. So we took advantage of living practically on campus and visited Mike at his habitat. Yeah, this tiger lives better than I do.
I mean, just look at that habitat!
They were also filming The Magnificent Seven with Chris Pratt (and Ethan Hawke, Matt Bomer, Denzel Washington, among others) on campus and around town so the roads were blocked, and yet I still didn't see any stars. Like, at all.
And how do you get to be an extra in these movies because I'm totally there??
And finally, I went blonde!! My hair was in serious need of a root touch up. And a hair cut, but one thing at a time people. My original hair color is a dirty blonde, which I can't stand, so I keep it dyed.
I also learned that I am a terrible selfie taker.
There's my stack of school stuff in the background.
I've got lots to do this weekend and next week and then before you know it, it'll be August. I start school August 4 btw.
How was your week??
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