I just love freebies!!!!!!!! And spelling practice!! I love coming up with new ways to practice working with our building words.  And here's my newest freebie: 

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Hello all!! I know it has been an unbelievable amount of time since my last post and I have an excellent excuse:

I hurt my neck. :(
I don't know how or when but about two weeks ago it just started hurting like crazy. I've been to the doctor twice and I am now on a strict regimen of doing nothing - I'm not supposed to walk or drive or go to work but I'm supposed to rest, to medicate, and to not be on the computer (oops) or text, email, browse, play games on the phone (yeah, oops for that too!) either. And I've done really well the past two weeks!!! But I'm going a little crazy with cabin fever. Anyway, my newest round of medicine and home therapy should have me all healthy and healed by Monday, fingers crossed!

I wanted to share a simple activity that we did last year to finish off our Me on the Map unit!! We are currently planning it right now.
It's our Map Walk Treasure Hunt!
At the end of the unit, we get together with the music teacher, cafeteria, library teacher, computer teacher, and principal and give our kiddos clues about where to go in the school. They use the clues and the school map to go about collecting items from each station. They end up on the playground with the principal who is there to give them popsicles as their end of hunt treat!

The clues are as follows: 
Computer room


Music room




Playground where Principal is

Each destination gives the students a little treat: 
Computer: Bubbles
Music: Kazoo
Cafeteria: Water 
Library: Gummy Worms
Office: fun, colorful bandaids
Playground: Popsicle

We divide the children into five groups of 5 or 6 children each. 
Each group is given a different clue to begin and they are off!! At each destination students get a new clue until they all end up on the playground. 

When we are done, we write about what we did and make a map using the items as symbols for our map key. 
We invite parents to come and walk around with us. 

We allow the children to play for about 10 minutes on the playground at the end. 

It's a great way to finish off our map unit. 

Please feel free to download your own copies of my clues and rotation chart and letter below: 
I've made them editable through Google drive for you to change if you wish! 

Thanks for reading and happy teaching!!

Happy Labor Day friends!! So far I am loving my first day off (weekends don't count!!)!!! I've got cookie dough chilling in the fridge and I'm about to start on a Red Velvet Cake. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

Here is a quick look at my class newsletter, The Weekly Ozmopolitan. 
Obviously, since my theme is Wizard of Oz, I've duly named it. 
The front page has a note from me, our WOW, and some information for parents about what we will be doing in the classroom on things they may not exactly know about like the Daily Cafe. 

I plan on posting one every Friday via email to my parents and here on the blog. I've never done a class newsletter this way. We send home our {Weekly Assignment Sheets} in the {OZ binder} every week but this year I thought I would try this as well. We shall see! I've heard back from one parent about how much she loved it!! 

In the middle pages I included some pictures from the first couple of weeks. 

On the back page I put some fun trivia and our class wish list. There is upcoming news and events listed and some helpful learning websites. 

I hope my parents find this newsletter useful!! 

If you click {HERE} you can grab a template for yourself. 

Thanks for reading!!!

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