This week was a bit of a blur. It started by me staying home on Monday because I've got some sort of illness that isn't Covid, Strep, or Flu but it knocked me on my ass. 

It's taken all week to recover and finally on Sunday I'm feeling a little relief. I've been exhausted. It's just so much. But I suppose I am grateful that this is the first school year in 3 years where we haven't started fully masked and I've only been sick twice! 

For the days I was at school, we managed to get several things accomplished. We sorted out small groups for testing, I scheduled several blog posts, and the school board finally voted on our swing space for the next two years. 

We are getting a new school built that is set to open in school year 2025-2026. So we have to leave our current school, they'll tear it down, and rebuild our new fancy school. 

Have you ever moved schools like this? I've done some research online and found several articles about individual teachers moving schools or classrooms but I've not found much on moving complete schools. While I was sick at home I worked on THIS checklist as kind of a starting point. What do you think? What should I add?

We also had a book reading for Read Across America Day. One of our school's graduates, Ashley Cavalier, wrote a book called "Doctor Do You Know?"

She read the story to every grade level. It's such a great book based on her real life experiences and her real life doctor. 

This week we also celebrated Lilo's second Gotcha Day! She has been such a joy in our lives. Super hyper, super active, and super cute. 

This is how she woke up that day. 

Every night she squeezes her way in between the two pillows and lays directly on top of my head. I have to always readjust so we are both comfortable. 

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. I got a new Scentsy warmer. We supported a local school for Friday Fish Fry. We went to this huge thrift sale called Attic Trash and Treasure where I found a crepe maker, Carly got a Crock Pot and food chopper, and we saw a ton of tchotchkes and other useless items. It was super packed but fun!

And as always I missed Disney like crazy. ALWAYS. I've already got next year's school trip planned and it's only 392 days. 

Have a great new week. 
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