Class Dojo is wonderful!!! The creators really came up with a winner here. This online behavior management system is designed to help teachers with rewarding positive behaviors quickly and easily by giving points. Negative behaviors result in points being taken away.
Every child is given an online avatar. Once parents sign up, children can customize their avatar and check out their own "wall" to see what their classmates are doing with their avatars and what points they have received.
The best part is that it's completely FREE!! The creators are wonderful and ask that we teachers give feedback on how we are using Dojo in our classrooms. If you go to the website, you can read how teachers at all levels are using Class Dojo in their classrooms.
All you need to get started is a computer. There is also an app - iPhone and Android devices. You can take your phone with you to assemblies, field trips, walking down the hallway, etc. Kids know they can receive points for behaving appropriately at all times throughout the day.
Try it out for yourself!! It's free and all it takes is a little of your time to get started. Let me know what you think!!
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