So I had surgery Friday. Not as fun as it sounds I promise you. They put a metal plate in my arm. With 6 screws. After the nerve blocker wore off, it HURT. LIKE A LOT. But no worries. I'm sorta all better now. Well at least on the road to all better.
How am I typing you ask? By using a speech to text website! I think I may use this forever.
I'm not exactly heading back to school until Wednesday. So I did a screencast to get them started.
I use Screencastify and the premium version is so worth it! I'll be blogging about how easy it is soon!
But the kiddos will have some fun starting their advertising unit: As Seen on TV! In this unit, they will design a product, 3D Print it, and then make a commercial selling it.
HERE is my CRLG.
This week we get to start working on our 3D designs. It's so fun!! We will be using Tinkercad-it's online and free. Super simple to use and makes for great 3D designs for a beginning class. Can't wait to see what they have planned.
So for the beginning of the unit activities, I've included a Nearpod and a Quizlet on Advertising Terms. I have the terms also ready to hang up in the classroom around my CRLG poster I'll be making.
The kids will also be completing a commercial analysis. You can find this whole kit, including links to commercials on YouTube, for free by clicking HERE. The Google Doc version of the Commercial Analysis is HERE.
We'll also start with the 3 P's.
The 3 P’s – product design, planning, and promoting. We will get with our groups and work on the 3 P’s, We will begin our strategic marketing plan.
Product - I want you to design a product that would help other students like yourself. Brainstorm with your group. Talk about things that would be helpful either for school or outside of school. Think practically: small things that can be carried around. We will be 3D printing these things so they can"t be huge. Draw some sketches. Think color, too.
Planning - Who will do what? It is very important to think about strategic division of labor. Who is designing? Who is the talent? Who is set designer? Who is director? Who is script writer? Are you going to have any testimonials?
Promoting - Who is your target audience (demographic)? Why is this helpful? Why would people jump on your bandwagon? What is your media channel? What makes your product better than other things out there? How will you "sell" it? What's your tagline? Watch some of the previously attached commercials for ideas. Remember to think about colors, the history, the acting
Grab a copy of my plans HERE.
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