My latest addition is to shake up my Building Words/Spelling Words/Word Work/Working with Words center. Task cards!
Ok, so this isn't a new idea but it's new in my classroom this year! And I do it a little differently, with Astrobrights paper to help!
Astrobrights by Neenah cut into 3x5 cards.
Avery 2x4 shipping labels.
I use an index card holder to store the cards. I have multiple copies of each task card so the kids can choose to work on the same task if they so choose.
I store the task sheets in clasp envelopes and the number on the card tells the student which task sheet to use.
Cover sheets for clasp envelopes
I also have the task cards with fun, colorful borders as well if you don't want to use labels and cardstock.
So if you like this idea, click {HERE} for your freebie :)
{HERE} is a sampling of my labels task cards from my larger collection to stick on cardstock.
Thanks and Happy Teaching!!!
This is fantastic! A great addition for my first class this year.