Need a quick last minute activity for your kiddos?
I used to do this with construction paper and glue and feathers and lots of other craft stuff, and that's FABULOUS if you have the time, but let's face it---who does? So I switched to a digital version.
Check it out:
These are just a few of my kiddos Disguise a Turkey pics. I gave them all a template in Google Slides:
Then I let them use the various tools available to make their Turkey into something else. They used the fill tool, line tool, search tool, insert and format menus, and more.
Once they were done, I had them save the slide as an image (Download as PNG) and then I sent them to a group slideshow. I had made a slideshow in advance and added each student's name to a slide. They found their slide and inserted their turkey image. Then we had a parade of "not" turkeys!
I am always super impressed by the students and their imaginations.
Grab your own Turkey Template HERE.
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